City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

20th October 1783 - 17th December 1784

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150950227

Image 227 of 2314th November 1783

To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and other his Majesties
Justices of the Peace for the City of London and Liberties thereof at
their General Quarter Sessions of the Peace Assembled

The Humble Petition and Appeal of the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint George in the
County of Middlesex


That by Virtue of an Order of Removal under the Hands and
Seals of Brass Crosby< no role > and William Pickett< no role > Esquire two of his Majesties Justices
of the Peace for the City of London aforesaid (One being of the Quorum)
bearing date the thirtieth day of December now last past, Mary< no role > the
Widow of Robert Poldan< no role > with her two Children Namely Abraham Lowden< no role >
aged two years and William James< no role > aged five Weeks were Removed from
the Parish of Saint Giles without Cripplegate in the City of London to the
said Parish of Saint George as the place of the last legal Settlement of
the said Mary and her said two Children

Therefore your Petitioners are advised and Believe that the
last legal Settlement of the said Mary and her said two Children is not
in the said Parish of Saint George as by the said Order is Supposed
and therefore they Conceive themselves to be Aggrieved by the said
Order and Determination of the said Two Justices and Do humbly
Appeal to your Worships against the same

Your Petitioners therefore as well on the past and behalf
of themselves as the other Inhabitants and Parishioners
of the said Parish of Saint George Do humbly pray that
the said Order of Removal of the said Mary and her and
two Children may be Quashed And that your
Petitioners may be further and otherwise Relieved
in the premises as to your Worships shall seem

And your Petitioners will ever Pray Etc.

Major Wright

Sollicitor for the Appellants

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