City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

6th December 1784 - 2nd January 1787

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150970240

Image 240 of 46621st July 1786

to wit}

The Examination of Christopher Kennedy< no role >
apprehended as a Rogue and Vagabond and brought before
me William Newman< no role > Esquire one of His Majesty's Justices of the
Peace in and for the Said City

Who being upon Oath, saith that he is aged
next twenty eight Yearssaith that from the Age of eleven
or twelve Years he has been in His Majesty's Navy, until
about eighteen Months age, when he was paid off from the Santa
Margaritasaith that he then entered on Board the Victor, a
coasting Vessel, Where he continued about seven Months, and
that since that Time he hath been in no Consent Employment
other than driving a Jackass, and hawking Vegetables about
the Streets, and that his Place of Settlement is in the Parish of
Saint Clement Danes , in the County of Middlesex , both by his Birth
and by his Father's renting a Houses in the said Parish.

Taken and Sworn this
21st July 1786 before me
at Guildhall London}
Wm Newman< no role >

Christopher Kennedy< no role >

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