<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15100PS151000086"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS151000086"></xptr>
<p n="433">May Sessions</p>
<p n="434">The King<lb></lb>
Freshfield Wilson<lb></lb>
& Forsyth}<lb></lb>
For a Misdemeanor</p>
<p n="435">A Bill of Indictment was preferred agst<lb></lb>
the Defts last April Sessions since which<lb></lb>
time two of the Defts only have pleaded<lb></lb>
(Freshfield & Forsyth)the Deft Freshfield<lb></lb>
has served the annex'd Notice of Trial<lb></lb>
but Forsyth being at present in the Country<lb></lb>
Confined by illness, and Wilson not having<lb></lb>
pleadedYour are requested to move to put<lb></lb>
off this<obscured></obscured>
until the next Sessions</p>

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