<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000267"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000267"></xptr>
<p n="826">Examination they may appear to have a Settlement and deal<lb></lb>
farther with them, in such manner as they are enabled by the<lb></lb>
Statute of the 12 of the late Queen aforesaid</p>
<p n="827">Your Comittee are likewise of Opinion That where Justices<lb></lb>
apprehend my danger of infection by Persons suffering too<lb></lb>
great a Number of Inmates contrary to Law, to harbour<lb></lb>
in any House-in such case your Comittee recomend the <lb></lb>
Binding over the Landlord or Keeper of such House to the <lb></lb>
next Quarter Sessions, there to answer for their harbouring <lb></lb>
such Inmates contrary to Law and to oblige the Church<lb></lb>
Wardens or Overseers to prosecute them for such offence</p>
<p n="828">The Annoyances occasioned by Butchers from their<lb></lb>
Slaughter Houses coming next under the Consideration of <lb></lb>
your Comittee, they are of Opinion that as there is noe<lb></lb>
statute in force upon which the Justices can proceed to effect<lb></lb>
against such Offenders they conceive the only proper methods<lb></lb>
are to prosecute them for these Offences, as they are<lb></lb>
Nusances by <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO40000_geo557">the Common</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo557" type="placeName" value="the Common"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo557" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
<p n="829">Your Comittee in the next place are to take Notice of <lb></lb>
the great Destruction made by Brandy and Geneva Shops<lb></lb>
whose Owners Retail their Liquors to the poorer sort of<lb></lb>
People and do suffer them to Sett Tipling in their Shops,<lb></lb>
by which practice they are not only render'd incapable<lb></lb>
of Labour to get an honest living but (by their Bodys<lb></lb>
being kept in a continued heat) are thereby more lyable<lb></lb>
to receive Infection.</p>
<p n="830">To present in some measure these sort of Evils for the<lb></lb>
future, your Comittee are of opinion-That the Justices be<lb></lb>
desired to proceed to Suppress all Shops who Retail<lb></lb>
these sort of Liquors without Licence where they are<lb></lb>
not excused by any Law from taking Licences.</p>
<p n="831">Your Comittee do likewise observe that the great<lb></lb>
Number of Hogs are kept by Brewers Distillers Starch<lb></lb>
makers and other Persons within the Weekly Bills of <lb></lb>
Mortality contrary to the Statute of the 2d & 3d William<lb></lb>
and Mary made for paving and cleansing the Streets<lb></lb>
within the paid Limitts which your Comittee are of <lb></lb>
Opinion are at all times a very great Annoyance to his <lb></lb>
Majesty's Subjects and must be very dangerous it God</p>

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