Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010007

Image 7 of 29415th January 1722

consider whether in their Judgment he deserves for
the Same and the Materialls by him found the said
Sume of Eighty Four pounds or any and what
other Sume, And to certify their opinions touching
the Premisses unto this Court.

P adjorn die Lune Scibt 15 o. die January 1721 .

Order for Justices
of peace in Holborn
Division to retorn
to next Sess: the
names of a Pson or
Psons fit to succeed
Nathl. Chandler< no role >
Gent in the Office
of high Constable

Whereas it appeareth to this Court that Nathaniel
< no role > Gentleman High Constable of Holborne
Division in this County hath Served the said Office
for the space of Three Years And for as much as it is
Contrary to the tenor and express direction of an Order
made at the Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace
holden for this County by adjornment on Thursday the
Fifteenth day of January One thousand Seven
hundred and Eighteen that any High Constable in
this County should continue in his Office above
the Space of Three Years, It is therefore Ordered by
this Court that it be And It is hereby recommended
unto his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this
County Inhabiting within the said Division to
bring in and deliver to the Court of the next
Generall Sessions of the Peace for this County
at Hicks hall on Thursday the First day of
March next at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon
the Name or Names of such Person or Persons
as they Shall think fitt to Succeed the said
Nathaniel Chandler< no role > in the said Office of
High Constable , on which day the Court is to
proceed to the Election of a High Constable in the
room and place of the said Nathaniel Chandler,

The like Orders concerning Wm. pemberton< no role >
Gent high Constable within the Hundred of
Edmonton Daniel Holworthy< no role > Gent high
Constable within the Hundred of Elthorne
John Wicks< no role > Gent high Constable within the
same Hundred John Hatchett< no role > Gent high
Constable within the Hundred of Spelthorne
and Wm. Chandler< no role > Gent high Constable
within the same Hundred,

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