<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40001GO400010028"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400010028"></xptr>
<p n="85">every Year since till the last which was for One<lb></lb>
hundred and ten pounds per Annum and expired<lb></lb>
the Fifth day of January last, Since which Mrs.<lb></lb>
Seymour does admitt she hath demanded One<lb></lb>
hundred and ten pounds Rent for the future which<lb></lb>
the said Geary declines to comply with, And that<lb></lb>
thereupon the said Comittee do Submitt That the<lb></lb>
first Agreement which the said Geary claims<lb></lb>
a performance of and alledgeth to be broke<lb></lb>
minus juste by Mrs. Seymour's demanding One<lb></lb>
hundred pounds a Year is not Subsisting, because<lb></lb>
it was in Terms, So long as both Parties should<lb></lb>
Agree, and was waived by the Second about a<lb></lb>
Year after, which Second was carryed into<lb></lb>
execution, As also by the severall Annuall<lb></lb>
Ones made and executed since, which were<lb></lb>
Varyant from it, And that the last of them<lb></lb>
expireing on the fifth day of January last the<lb></lb>
Comittee Submitt that there is now no Subsisting<lb></lb>
Agreement between the Parties at all, And the<lb></lb>
said Comittee of Justices by their said Report taking<lb></lb>
notice of their haveing examined into the accompts<lb></lb>
laid before them by both the Said Partyes<lb></lb>
relateing to the Receipts and Disbursements<lb></lb>
in the Office of Cryer and Housekeeper Doe<lb></lb>
compute that the clear gain of the said Geary for<lb></lb>
Six Years ending last January Sessions amounts<lb></lb>
to thirty Seven pounds Six Shillings and eight<lb></lb>
pence each Year And Submitt it to the Judgment<lb></lb>
of this Court whether such a Sume is reasonable<lb></lb>
Wages for the Service the Said Geary is obliged to<lb></lb>
perform (vizt.) his attendance with his Wife and<lb></lb>
Sons every Sessions to buy in provisions, to Dress<lb></lb>
them, to wait at Table, for delivering Orders of Court<lb></lb>
to the Severall Constables in all Parts of this County,<lb></lb>
for attending the renewing of Licences all over the</p>

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