Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010043

Image 43 of 2945th April 1722

Mr. John Markwick< no role >
his Bond To Mr.
Milner, Mr
Thornhill and Mr.
Saunders upon the
said Mr. Markwicks
Admission to be
Keeper of New Prison
at Clerkenwell

Noverint universi per presentes me Johem Markwick< no role >
de pochi [..] Stephi Coleman Street London Gen teneri &
[..] obligari Justi Milner Aro Robte Thornhill< no role >
Aro & Samuel Saunders< no role > Aro Justiciarijs Dui Regis Ad
Pacem in Com Middx conservand assignat in Quingent
libris bone & leglis monet Magne Britannia Solvend
eisdm Joh [..] Milner< no role > Robto Thornhill< no role > & Samueli Saunders< no role >
ant Suo cert Account Executor vel Administrat Suis Ad
quam quidem Solucon bene & fideliter per presentes
Sigills meo Sigillat Dat quinto die Aprilis Anno
Dui 1722 Annoql regin Dui Georgij nunc Regis Magne
Britannia Etc Octavo.

Whereas his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middlesex being the Major part of the Justices of the Peace for
the said County this day assembled at Hicks hall in St. John
Street in the said County (upon Speciall and particular Notice
given to all the Justices of the Peace of the same County to
Meet at Hicks hall aforesaid to elect and appoint Some fit
Person to be Keeper of New Prison at Clarkenwell in the
Same County in the room and place of Gilpin Markwick< no role > late
Keeper of the said Prison) pursuant to & by vertue of Letters
Patent granted by his late Majesty King James the first
have Elected Choosen Nominated and Appointed the above
bounden John Markwick< no role > to be Keeper of the Prison called
New Prison at Clerkenwell in the same County To have
hold Execute and enjoy the Office Place or Employment of Keeper
of the said Prison and the Dwelling House Orchard and Garden
there and other the Appurtenances and all Profits Comodties &
Emoluments thereunto due and of right appertaining Together
with such Fees only for keeping detaining or releasing of any
Person or Persons comitted or to be comitted to his custody as
Keeper of the said Prison as are already or shall be here
after legally ascertained limitted or appointed by Order of
the Justices of the Peace for this County in their Generall or Quarter
Sessions assembled or to be assembled for so long time only as
the Justices of the Peace of the said County or the Major part of
them shall think fitt and no longer, Upon the Conidcon hereafter
expressed Now the Condition of this obligacon is such that if
the said John Markwick< no role > do (during the time he shall Continue
Keeper of the said Prison) keep his constant residence and
habitacon of the said Prison, and well demean himself in the
said Office place or Employment of Keeper, and execute the same
in his own person and not by Deputy, and also if the said
John Markwick< no role > do and shall Yearly during the Time he
shall be and Continue Keeper of the said Prison pay the Sum
of Thirty Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to such
Person or Persons as the Justices of the Peace for the said County

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