<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40001GO400010055"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400010055"></xptr>
<p n="141">When they appear on Sumons the Justices to tender<lb></lb>
them the Oaths, and to proceed to Conviction against<lb></lb>
such as refuse to take the same, or make default<lb></lb>
in not appearing after due Sumons, And to retorn<lb></lb>
the Convictions to the next Quarter Sessions,</p>
<p n="142">As to removeing them ten Miles from London<lb></lb>
and Confineing them to their Habitations The Justices<lb></lb>
are to pursue the Acts of Parliament recited in<lb></lb>
the Proclamation,</p>
<p n="143">The Justices to examine such Lodgers, who<lb></lb>
Shall appear as suspected Persons and have<lb></lb>
lately come into this Town, as to the reasons of<lb></lb>
their resorting hither at this time,</p>
<p n="144">The Justices to direct the Constables to retorn<lb></lb>
the Names of all Victuallers and Keepers of Inns<lb></lb>
or other Publique Houses who suffer Papists or<lb></lb>
disaffected Persons to resort to their Houses<lb></lb>
and there reflect upon the Government in<lb></lb>
their comon conversation</p>
<p n="145">The Justices to Oblige all Victualers to take<lb></lb>
the Oaths before the Licences are given out to them</p>
<p n="146">The Justices to give particular Directions to the<lb></lb>
Constables to inquire after and retorn all Irish<lb></lb>
Papists now in this Town</p>
<p n="147">To take Care that no Money be paid or given<lb></lb>
by any Person who is Summoned or appeares to<lb></lb>
take the Oaths on this Occasion</p>
<p n="148">The Justices to Order the Constables to take up<lb></lb>
all Seditious Ballad Singers and Dispersers of<lb></lb>
Libells, and carry them before the next Justice<lb></lb>
to be dealt with according to Law,</p>
<p n="149">And in case of any Riotous Assemblys to read the<lb></lb>
Proclamacon contained in the Statute against Riotors <lb></lb>
in order to disperse them, And on their refusall to<lb></lb>
disperse to proceed against them as that Statute directs,</p>
<p n="150">And the said Justices of the Peace are to Certify an<lb></lb>
exact Accompt in writing of their proceedings in the<lb></lb>
Premisses in Order to be retorned to the said Duke<lb></lb>
of Newcastle,</p>

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