<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40001GO400010097"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400010097"></xptr>
<p n="254">12 The Lieutenancy have power to dispose of so much of the<lb></lb>
Trophy Money as to them shall seem expedient to the<lb></lb>
Inferiour Officers for their pains and encouragement your<lb></lb>
Committee are of Opinion that the payments abovementioned<lb></lb>
to the Captains can by no means be warranted by the said clause<lb></lb>
but that the payment to the three Serjeants is expressly within<lb></lb>
that law: As to the £10 to Capt. Enbank The Committee observe<lb></lb>
that his demand came to £46:7s:11d of which he is allowed £10<lb></lb>
only in a gross Sum so that it does not appear upon or of what<lb></lb>
heads that £10 is made up and consequently whether the whole or<lb></lb>
any part of it is or is not justly and regularly allowed him by<lb></lb>
the Lieutenancy Your Committee have had no opportunity of<lb></lb>
examining into the truth of an Objection which may possibly<lb></lb>
be made by the several Capts. Viz. That this Money is by them<lb></lb>
distributed to the Inferiour Officers but take it upon the face of<lb></lb>
the order that the money is paid them to their men use and with<lb></lb>
regrett observe that two of the Deputy Lieutenants who appear<lb></lb>
to have sign'd the order for the Distribution have thereby carved<lb></lb>
for themselves and reced each their £10 as Capts. Your Committee<lb></lb>
are the rather enclined to think that the Capts have no legal title<lb></lb>
to this money from the Consideration of the 9th section of the<lb></lb>
same statute which seems to distinguish between Inferiour<lb></lb>
and Commissioned Officers and provides another sort of<lb></lb>
Recompence for the Commisioned Foot Officers. Whereby it is<lb></lb>
provided "That every Commisioned Foot Officer in the trained<lb></lb>
"Bands or Militia of this Kingdom (settled according to act of<lb></lb>
"Parliament shall be and is thereby exempted and excused<lb></lb>
"from finding and contributing towards the finding any horse<lb></lb>
"Horseman or anns for his whole estate if at any time it is charged<lb></lb>
"but with one horse or a less charge or for such part of his estate<lb></lb>
"as is or shall be charged with one Horse if his whole estate be<lb></lb>
"charged with a greater charge than one Horse in the County or<lb></lb>
"Lieutenancy where he so serves as a Foot officer in respect of the<lb></lb>
"expence which the said employment doth necessarily engage<lb></lb>
"him in. As to the Rent for their office and officers salarys and<lb></lb>
charges your Committee think they may be reasonably enough<lb></lb>
included within the words of the act The Trophy Money<lb></lb>
being raised for furnishing ammunition and other<lb></lb>
Necessarys. But as for Trophies which give the name to this <lb></lb>
tax your Committee are informed that only one set has been<lb></lb>
provided for the Militia since his present Maties Accession<lb></lb>
Altho' money has been raised for that purpose every year but</p>

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