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<p n="791">more Company and of greater rank thither and great<lb></lb>
Numbers of people already resort to and play at those plat<lb></lb>
Nor is there any part of this Town, wherein the Number<lb></lb>
of Ale houses Brandy and Geneva shops do not daily<lb></lb>
increase tho' they are so numerous already that in<lb></lb>
some of the large of parishes, every Tenth House at least<lb></lb>
sells one sort or other of those Liquors by Retaile<lb></lb>
And this we humbly offer, as the principal cause of the<lb></lb>
Increase of our Poor, and of all the Vice and Debanchery<lb></lb>
among the Inferior sort of People, as well as of the<lb></lb>
Felonies and other Disorders comitted in and about<lb></lb>
this town</p>
<p n="792">We have perused and considered of the Laws & Statutes<lb></lb>
now in force for Suppressing & Reforming these abuses &<lb></lb>
of the powers thereby given us, which tho' they seem to be <lb></lb>
very large & sufficient yet the good purposes intended<lb></lb>
by them, are in great measure prevented by season of<lb></lb>
some Defects in those Laws, and of severall difficulties<lb></lb>
we meet with in Execution of them of which we beg leave <lb></lb>
to lay before your Lordship the following particulars.<lb></lb>
As those who frequent any of the Disorderly Houses above<lb></lb>
mentioned will never informe against them, It is very<lb></lb>
difficult to find out the Persons who keep them, and the<lb></lb>
names & plates of abode of those who resort to them, and yet<lb></lb>
more difficult to got legall Evidence against them by any<lb></lb>
other means than frequently searching the Houses and<lb></lb>
taking them in the Fact and this is rendred in a manner<lb></lb>
in effectuall by the method they are all of late fallen into<lb></lb>
(especially at gameing Houses) of keeping their Doors<lb></lb>
shut against our Officers and all they suspect, whereby as<lb></lb>
has been often firmely Experience they prevent and elude<lb></lb>
our Endeavours to punish or suppress them, the Law not<lb></lb>
impowering as or over officers (as we humbly conceive)<lb></lb>
to break open Doors on any Searches tho' after demand<lb></lb>
and refusall of admittance</p>
<p n="793">We are also under a very great Difficulty, with respect to the<lb></lb>
great number of Ale houses and Brandy Shops, the best, if<lb></lb>
not the only method. We know of, to prevent ye. inconveniencies<lb></lb>
arising front them, is to suppress such as are disorderly or<lb></lb>
superflous,& to punish those, who sell without license, <lb></lb>

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