Middlesex Sessions:

10th June 1713 - 17th October 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMOC400000259

Image 259 of 277

P adjorn Jovis 13o. die July 1721.

Order touching the
Disposall of Venison.

Some dispute ariseing at this present Sessions Concerning the
Venison presented to his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, It
is Ordered by this Court that for the future all the Venison
to be presented to the Justices of the Peace for this County
assembled in their General or Quarter sessions shall be
disposed of and Carryed to such Tables at Hicks hall
as the Chairman of the Court for the Time being shall
direct and not otherwise, And that the House keeper of
Hickshall and his Servants are required to Observe
and Obey the Chairman's Order and Direction herein.

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