Middlesex Sessions:

10th June 1713 - 17th October 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMOC400000272

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the Peace for this County there to answer for their
Harbouring such Inmates contrary to Law, and to
Oblige the Churchwardens or Overseers of the
Poor or Some other proper Persons to prosecute them
for Such Offences

The Annoyances in Markets by Stinking Meat
Garbage and offalls and by Butchers from their
Slaughter houses comeing also under consider
on this occasion This Court is of opinion That an
Offenders therein ought to be prosecuted and punished
with the utmost severity And It is hereby recomended
to the Justices of this County in their several Divisions
on their own View or knowledge or on sufficient proof
to bind over such Offenders and also some proper Person
or Persons to prosecute them To the End that a stop
may be Speedily put to such dangerous practices which
are most likely to produce and spread the Plague in
this Town

And this Court takeing notice of the great and
extravagent Number of Brandy [..] and Geneva Shops
whose Owners Retail their Liquors to the poorer Sort of
People and do suffer them to sitt tipling in their Shops
by which practice they are not only rendred incapable of
labour to get an honest Livelyhood but (by their bodys
being kept in a continued heat) are thereby more lyable to
receive Infection, To prevent in Some measure those Evils
for the future This Court is of opinion that the Justices be and
they are hereby desired to suppress all Houses Shops and
other places where these sort of Liguors are retailed
without Licence and also to be very Cautious in Granting
any New Licences to any Such Persons

This Court likewise observing that great Numbers of Hogs
are Kept by Brewers, Distillers Starch makers and other
Persons within the Weekly Bills of Mortality contrary

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