<div1 type="SM_OCpage" id="LMSMOC40000OC400000272"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMOC400000272"></xptr>
<p n="843">the Peace for this County there to answer for their<lb></lb>
Harbouring such Inmates contrary to Law, and to<lb></lb>
Oblige the Churchwardens or Overseers of the<lb></lb>
Poor or Some other proper Persons to prosecute them<lb></lb>
for Such Offences</p>
<p n="844">The Annoyances in Markets by Stinking Meat<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMSMOC40000_geo563">Garbage and offalls</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMOC40000_geo563" type="placeName" value="Garbage and offalls"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMOC40000_geo563" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and by Butchers from their<lb></lb>
Slaughter houses comeing also under consider<lb></lb>
on this occasion This Court is of opinion That an<lb></lb>
Offenders therein ought to be prosecuted and punished<lb></lb>
with the utmost severity And It is hereby recomended<lb></lb>
to the Justices of this County in their several Divisions<lb></lb>
on their own View or knowledge or on sufficient proof<lb></lb>
to bind over such Offenders and also some proper Person<lb></lb>
or Persons to prosecute them To the End that a stop <lb></lb>
may be Speedily put to such dangerous practices which<lb></lb>
are most likely to produce and spread the Plague in<lb></lb>
this Town</p>
<p n="845">And this Court takeing notice of the great and<lb></lb>
extravagent Number of Brandy<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
and Geneva Shops<lb></lb>
whose Owners Retail their Liquors to the poorer Sort of<lb></lb>
People and do suffer them to sitt tipling in their Shops<lb></lb>
by which practice they are not only rendred incapable of<lb></lb>
labour to get an honest Livelyhood but (by their bodys<lb></lb>
being kept in a continued heat) are thereby more lyable to<lb></lb>
receive Infection, To prevent in Some measure those Evils<lb></lb>
for the future This Court is of opinion that the Justices be and<lb></lb>
they are hereby desired to suppress all Houses Shops and<lb></lb>
other places where these sort of Liguors are retailed <lb></lb>
without Licence and also to be very Cautious in Granting<lb></lb>
any New Licences to any Such Persons</p>
<p n="846">This Court likewise observing that great Numbers of Hogs<lb></lb>
are Kept by Brewers, Distillers Starch makers and other<lb></lb>
Persons within the Weekly Bills of Mortality contrary</p>

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