Middlesex Sessions:

10th June 1713 - 17th October 1721

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LL ref: LMSMOC400000276

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What Persons shall be adjudged to deale more in other Goods
than in Distill'd Liquors.


And if the Justices are in their Construction of this Exception in either
of these Points, and under such Error Quarter Soldiers on Persons
not liable, They and the Constables are liable to Actions which
is a great Discouragement, and often attended with delays &
Inconveniencies to the Soldiers who are to be Quarters, as well
as to those who Quarter them.

For Remedy of these Inconveniences It is proposed
That in the next Act for Quartering Soldiers, The
Exception may be to the Effect following Vizt.

Other than and except the House or houses of any Distillers, who
keep houses or places of Distilling Brandy or Strong Waters, and
have fixed and Sett up therein one or more Still or Stills capable


of Distilling Gallons at least of Strong waters atone time
(or if thought more proper, who Distill therein every Yeare upon


their own account the Quantity of Gallons or more of Such
Strong waters) and who do not Suffer Tipling in their Shops
or Houses And other than and Except the house of any
Shop keeper, whose principall Dealings shall be more in
other Goods and merchandized than in Brandy and Strong
Waters who do not permit or suffer Tipling in his or their
Shops or houses, and who shall have a Licence or Licences
under the Hands and Seals of two or more Justices of
the peace of the County Citty or Liberty where in he or they
Shall dwell or keep such Shop or house for the Selling
of Such Liguors by retail in such Shops or houses and
in no other, and in no private houses whatsoever Etc.

If these Amendments are not thought proper, Tis desired That
the Exception may be explained and more clearly worded,
That the Justices may be better able to Judge where and on
whom to Quarter the Soldiers, That the Constables may be
incouraged to do their Duty by the Security they will find in the
plain words of the Law, and That the Soldiers may be
received into the Quarters appointed them, without the
Delayes and Difficulties, which at present attend them,
from the doubts and disputed about the two meaning of
this Clause.

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