<div1 type="SM_OCpage" id="LMSMOC40000OC400000276"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMOC400000276"></xptr>
<p n="861"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">2.</note>
What Persons shall be adjudged to deale more in other Goods<lb></lb>
than in Distill'd Liquors.</p>
<p n="862"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Orr</note>
And if the Justices are in their Construction of this Exception in either<lb></lb>
of these Points, and under such Error Quarter Soldiers on Persons<lb></lb>
not liable, They and the Constables are liable to Actions which<lb></lb>
is a great Discouragement, and often attended with delays &<lb></lb>
Inconveniencies to the Soldiers who are to be Quarters, as well<lb></lb>
as to those who Quarter them.</p>
<p n="863">For Remedy of these Inconveniences It is proposed<lb></lb>
That in the next Act for Quartering Soldiers, The<lb></lb>
Exception may be to the Effect following Vizt.</p>
<p n="864">Other than and except the House or houses of any Distillers, who<lb></lb>
keep houses or places of Distilling Brandy or Strong Waters, and<lb></lb>
have fixed and Sett up therein one or more Still or Stills capable<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">30</note>
of Distilling Gallons at least of Strong waters atone time<lb></lb>
(or if thought more proper, who Distill therein every Yeare upon<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">200</note>
their own account the Quantity of Gallons or more of Such<lb></lb>
Strong waters) and who do not Suffer Tipling in their Shops<lb></lb>
or Houses And other than and Except the house of any<lb></lb>
Shop keeper, whose principall Dealings shall be more in<lb></lb>
other Goods and merchandized than in Brandy and Strong<lb></lb>
Waters who do not permit or suffer Tipling in his or their<lb></lb>
Shops or houses, and who shall have a Licence or Licences<lb></lb>
under the Hands and Seals of two or more Justices of<lb></lb>
the peace of the County Citty or Liberty where in he or they<lb></lb>
Shall dwell or keep such Shop or house for the Selling<lb></lb>
of Such Liguors by retail in such Shops or houses and<lb></lb>
in no other, and in no private houses whatsoever Etc.</p>
<p n="865">If these Amendments are not thought proper, Tis desired That<lb></lb>
the Exception may be explained and more clearly worded,<lb></lb>
That the Justices may be better able to Judge where and on<lb></lb>
whom to Quarter the Soldiers, That the Constables may be<lb></lb>
incouraged to do their Duty by the Security they will find in the<lb></lb>
plain words of the Law, and That the Soldiers may be<lb></lb>
received into the Quarters appointed them, without the<lb></lb>
Delayes and Difficulties, which at present attend them,<lb></lb>
from the doubts and disputed about the two meaning of<lb></lb>
this Clause.</p>

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