Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1695

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500420072

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Middx ss

The Information of Richard Portlock< no role > Constable
and John Bonner< no role > , taken before me Ralph Marshall< no role >
Esqr. the 6th. of June Anno Din 1695

Who Severally Say upon their Oathes That they found
Anne White< no role > (now present) in the Roome with Daniell
< no role > and Jane< no role > his wife who were Suspected to be Clippers.
of the Currant Coyne of this Realine and Upon Searching
of her pocketts they found upon her Severall peices [..]
false and Counterfeit money, which they laying downs [..]
the windowtheywere conveyed awaybythey know not how
noebody being in the Roome, besides these Informants, but
the said Anne White< no role > , and the said Juxton and his Wife
And these Informants further Say that they verily
beleive that the said Anne White< no role > is [..] Confederate with
the said Juxton and his Wife [..]
[..] in Clipping and Counterfeiting the Currant Coyne
of this Kingdoms, both for the reasons aforesaid, and for
that She and endeavoured to fling away a false Six pounds
from out of her perfect, which they observeing too for

Jurat [..] Coram me
Ra: Marshall< no role >

Rich: Portlocke< no role >
Jno: Bonner< no role >

The Examination of the above mentioned
Anne White< no role > taken before me the day and yeare.

This Examinant being duely Examined Saith That She was
at the Lodging of the above mentioned Juxton to know [..]
had Sold a peice of Muslin for one Jns. Wade< no role > now a
prisoner in Newgate , being asked if She glung away a peice of
money, She Saith noe, and being asked how She came by the
false money found in her pockett, She Saith She received it
for good money and has had it in her pockett about halfe
a yeare, but what become of it a gler it was laid downe She
knowes not, Being asked howlong She had been acquainted with.
Mr. Juxton & his wife , She Sayes She has not knowne him long, but
has been acquainted with her about three years

Cpt. Coram me
Ra: Marshall< no role >

Ann White< no role >

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