Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1698

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500570041

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Middx ss.

The Informacon of Samll. Barrock< no role > and Edward
< no role > taken upon Oath before St James Smith< no role >
Knt . one of the Maties Justices of the peace for
the said County

These Informts say that a Robbery being comitted on the Kings
Highway near Ridge Hill in the County of Hartford on Thursday
the 19th. day of the instant May, about six a' Clock in the
Evening and notice being given thereof to the Informt Samuell
< no role > at the house in Southmyme in the said County of Middx
about Seaven a' Clock in the Evening of the same day there
Informts did imediatly upon such notice make fresh pursuit on
horseback after the said Robbers and about eight a' Clock they
saw three Persone, on horseback wth by the descripson given to
them of the horses the said Barrock supposd. them to be the
Robbers, and at or near Wood Green , two of the said 3 men quitting
the horses, these Informts. seiz'd the horses. but the men escaped
and soon afterwards about 9 a' Clock by [..] ing their close
pursuit they these Informts at Mussell Hile in Hornsy Parish
[..] sd. the Countyand then went [..] any to the pson took one of the said Robbers (it being
allmost dark) and the horse he rid on all wch three horses
as aforesaid. at this Robbery had been taken from the Persons
then robbd. and these Informts having caused the said Highway
Robber to be searchd. at Mussell Hill and found a Diamond Ring
in his wastcoat Pockett. wth he had taken in he said Robbery
they brought him before me and further they say not.

Jurat. 20 die May 1698
coram me
James. Smyth< no role > .,

Samuell Barrocke< no role >
Edward Chandler< no role >

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