Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1699

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500670138

Image 138 of 18727th June 1699

The Informacon of Mary Straw< no role > Servt : to Hannah
< no role > of st: Catherine Widdow taken on oath this
27th. of June 1699

Who Saith upon oath yt abt: 9 this morneing Sarah Brown< no role >
& Weary Smith Jame together to her mr: Shop being a Shopseller
& there The apring Some musslin (a Considerable quantity
being taken downe) & [..] watching their oppurtunity
She this Examt: Saw the sd Brown< no role > privily take & [..]
away a peere of [..] Musslin [..]
[..] if the Compter there to her thinking
whereupon the sd Bown & Saith being the prisoners
here were prsently for going away upon dis [..] King
the pure, But had not quite gone out when being
[..] being Suspected the sd peere of [..] Muslin
Centeyneing 8 yds & appeare & val abt: 40stobeing
the goods of the sd Hannah Hill< no role > upon fearels
was found did under the growne of the sd Sarah Brown< no role > the Same being Stohne out of the sd Shop

Capt & Jurat Gifdm
die & anno Cor me

John Webbe< no role >

The mke of Mary [mark] Shaw< no role >

The Informacon of Glir wife of John Peart< no role >
of st: Catherine Milkman taken on oath the day
& ye are above sd

Who Saith upon oath yt abt: 9 this morneing She passing bags
there st: Catherines by the done there of Hannah Hill< no role >
Widdow & happening to See Some thing white hang undr petticoate
of Sarah Browne< no role > [..] one of the prisoners here did there upon
Suspecting her & putting her hand there tooke a [..]
peere of Musslin from under her wch: the sd Hill Haymes< no role > to be
hers & Sayes the Same were Stohne from her.

Capt & Jurat Gifdm die & Anno
Cor me

John Webbe< no role >

The mk (viz) [mark] Peart

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