Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501060051

Image 51 of 8016th May 1709

Middex: Ss.

Fr. Negus< no role >

Peter Lavigne< no role >

Whereas due proofe hath been made before Us Francis
< no role > and Peter Lavigne< no role > Esqrs . two of her Majestys Justices of
the peace for the County of Middex (Quor unus) Inhabiting in
and near the parish of Saint Martin in the fields in the County
aforesaid Upon the Oath of Martha Griffis< no role > Single woman
Mother of a Male Bastard Child borne of her Body the Nineth
of this Instant May within the said Parish, That William
< no role > Gent . Did be gett on the Body of the said Martha Griffis< no role >
the said Male Bastard Child which Child is become Chargeable
to the said parish at the Church Wardens & Overseers of the poor
of the said parish have Complained

Wee the said Justices upon the Examinacon of the said Martha
< no role > the Mother and the Circumstances thereof Doe hereby
Adjudge and Declare the said William Meir's< no role > to be the reputed
Father of the said Male Bastard Child borne of the Body of the
said Martha Griffis< no role > as aforesaid, And thereupon Wee Do Order
as Well to Save Harmless and Indempnifie the said parish
as for the Maintaining & keeping of the said Male Bastard
Child, That the said William Meir's< no role > shall forthwith pay unto
the Church Wardens & Overseers of the poor of the said parish for
and towards the Expence and Charges of the Lyeing in of the
said Martha Griffis< no role > the Sume of Eleven Shillings and Six pence
by the Weeke for the first four Weekes from the brith of the said
Male Bastard Child And after the Expiracon of the said first
four Weekes the said William Meirs< no role > shall pay or Came to be paid
Weekely & every Weeke the Sume of Two Shillings and Six pence
of Lawfull Mony of Greate Brittaine for and towards the
releife Maintenance of the said Male Bastard Child for Soe
long time as the said Child shall remaine Chargeable to the said

And lastly Wee Order that the said William Meirs< no role > do give
good & Sufficient Security, well and Sufficiently to Performe
full fill and keep this Our Order, or otherwise to give Sufficient
Sureties for his personall Appearance at the next Generall
Quarter Sessions of the peace to be Holden for the said County
then and there to An Siver the Contempt, And to Stand to and
abide by Such further, or other Order as the Justices of the peace
there Assembled shall think fitt to make therein: Given under
Our Hands & Seales this Sixteenth Day of May Ano. 1709

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