Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1711

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501260036

Image 36 of 39

To the Honble, the Commons of Great Britain in Partiamt: Assembled.

The Humble Petition of the Justices of Peace and Grand Jury for
the County of Middx Assembled at their Generall Session of the
Peace held for the Said Coum [..] t B [..] all the 5th: Day of December
1711, And of diverse other Gene [..] m g [..] e Said County whose Names
are hereunto Subscribed.


That it has been often represented to us that part of the said leading from the
City of London to the Town of Watford in the County of Hertford from Stanmore magna to Kilburnbridge
in the County of Middx (in length Seven Miles or thereabouts) by rea. [..] ltitude of Carryages and
passengers frequently passing thro the Said Road, is become Sovery ba [..] Severall Persons have
thereby received considerable Damages.

That Notwith standing the Inhabitants of the Parishes, in which the said Highway lyes,
have done their utmost towards repairing and a mending the Same, yet the Sa [..] ad is for the Space
of Six Months in every year almost impassable.

That the Said Highway being So very ruinous the Sun [..] Effectually be amended
and he [..] st in good repair without the aid of an Act of Parliament:

Your Petitioners therefore pray That this [..] House will be
pleased to give leave for bringing in a bill for R [..] airing and amending
the Highway aforesaid.

And Your Petitioners S [..] ll pray Etca:

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