Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540179

Image 179 of 2639th March 1716

To the Right Worppll: his Maties Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middlx.

The humble Peticon of Mathew Deane< no role > of the Pish of St:
Leonard Shoreditch in the Sd County Carpenter


That your Peticoners late Father Mathew Deane< no role > Deced
served the Office of Churchwarden of the Sd Pish in the
Yeare of our Lord Seaventeen hundred & eleaven in
which time your Petrs: Sd late Father then disbursed [..]
paid the Sum of One hundred Seaventy Seaven Pounds
& Six Pence towards the reliefe of the poor of & putting
forth poor Children Apprentices & other Incident Charges
relateing to his Sd Office Over & above what he Reced of
& from ye Inhabitants of the Sd Pish; as will & doth appeare
by his Accompts being fairely adjusted &Setled by
Several of the chief & most Substantiall Inhabitants of
the Sd Pish & approved of allowed & Confirm'd under
the hands & Seales of such two Justices of the Peace for
the Sd County as the Statute directs And that your Petr: hath
very often applyed himselfe to the Officers & other
Inhabitants of the Sd Pish to be reimbursed ye Sd Sume
of One hundred & Seaventy Seaven Pounds & Six Pence
& although Several Arreares of the poors Rate for ye
Sd Year 1711 within the Sd Pish could not be collected
within the Year but have since been collected & reced
by the late Churchwarden & Overseer of the poor of the Sd
Parish & although a Rate was made about Michelmas last
past on purpose to reimburse your Petr: the full Sume of
One hundred Seaventy Seaven Pounds & Six Pence
but the greatest part of that Rate was Converted to other
Uses & your Peticoner never could get one Penny untill the
Ninth day of March last past when one of the late Church
Wardens paid him thereof Seaventy Seaven Pounds & Six Pence
but that there now doth & Still remains due to you Petr: ye
Sume of One hundred Pounds & that for want of the Sd
Money Your Peticoner now doth & hath ever since the Death
of his Sd Late Father to whome he is Administr: paid Six
Pounds P Cent P Anno for One hundred Pounds which
he was forced to Borrow for his Support to Manage &
Carry on his Buisness.

Yor Petr therefor humbly prays an Order of this Honable: Court that he may
be payed the Sd Sume of One hundred Pounds by such ways & means
as to your Worsps: shall seem meet.

And your Peticoner shall ever pray Etc

Mathew Deane< no role >

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