Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540201

Image 201 of 2635th June 1716

To the Rt. Worppll. his Majties: Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx in their Genll. Quarter Sessions assembled

The humble peticon and appeale of the Church Wardens and
Overseers for the poore of the parish of St. Bridgett all
Brides London


That by Warrant andr. the hands and Seales of Thomas Sewell< no role >
and W. Wickham Esqrs . two of his Maties. Justices of the Peace
for the sd. County of Middx (quor vnus) bearing date the 5th. day ye
June Anno Dui 1716 . Sarah Gates< no role > the wife of Richard Gates< no role > wth.
three Children vizt. (Mary Gates< no role > aged about 11 Yeares, Sarah
< no role > aged about five yeares and Lydia Gates< no role > aged about tenn
Months were, past on yor. Petr. from the parish of St.
Mary White Chappell in the sd. County of Middx as the place of
their last legall Settlement.

That yor. Petrs. conceive themselves aggreived
by the ordr. and determinacon of the sd. two Justices and
appeale there from to yor. Worpps

Yor. Petrs. therefore humbly hope yor Worpps will
appoint a day to heare & determine the sd Appeale

And Yor. Petrs. shall pray Etc.

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