Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501570060

Image 60 of 10616th July 1716

Middx ss

To the Churchwarden and Overseers of the
poore of the Hamlett of Lymehouse in the
Pish of Stepney in the said County of Middx
and to all others whom These may Concerne.

Thos: Westr< no role >

Robert Kyrby< no role >

Whereas Complaint hath beene made unto us
whose Hands and Seals are hereunto Setl Two of his
Majts: Justices of the peace for the said County (Quorund)
by you the said Churchwarden and Overseers of the
Poore of the said Hamlett that one Winifred patleloe< no role >
the Wife of John patleloe< no role > Did Lately come into [..]
the said Hamlett Endeavouring to Settle herselfe there
Contrary to Lane and whereas it Appeareth unto Us
the said Justices that the Said Winifred patleloe< no role > is
Likely to become Chargeable to the said Hamlett
and itt also appeareth unto us upon Oath that the sd:
John patleloe< no role > is a Forreigner and No Legall Settlemt in
of his can be found and that the sd. Winifred patleloe< no role >
before her intermarriage with the said Jno: patleloe< no role >
was Last Legally Settled in the parish of St. [..]
Martins in the feilds in the said County of Middx
which noee doe adjudge to be True.

These are therefore in his Majts: Name to
will and Require you or some or one of you forthwith
on sight hereof to Remove and Convey the Said
Winifred patleloe< no role > . from and out of the Said Hamlett
of Symehouse to the Pish of St: Martins in the
feilds aforesaid and her there Leave with the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore or Some
or one of them who are hereby Required her to received
and provide for according to Law. And hereof
Faile not at Your perills Diven under Cur
Hands ad seals the 16th: Day of July 9o: Dom 1716
Annoqr RRr Georgy: Dei Gra Magne
Britanie Etc Secundo

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