Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501570082

Image 82 of 10611th October 1716

men a growing [..]
Carts, Drays, Carrs, or Waggons, not having any Person or Persons on Foot to guide or conduct the same, in Contempt
of One ACT of Parliament made in the First Year of the Reign of His now Majesty King GEORGE, Intituled,
An Ad for being regulating Hackney Coaches, Carts, Drays, Carrs, and Waggons, within the Cities of London and West-
minister, and [..] Weekly Bills of Mortality, and for preventing Mischiefs occasioned by the Drivers Riding upon Such Carts,
Drays, Carrs, and Waggons, whereby every Offender being thereof Convicted before One or more of His Majesty's Justices of
the Peace, for the County wherein such Offence is committed, by the Oath of One or more Credible Witness or Wit-
nesses, is for every such Offence to forfeit the Summ of Ten Shillings to be levied and disposed of in such manner as is
appointed by the said ACT, and in Default of Payment of such Forfeiture, to be committed to the House of Correction,
there to be kept at hard Labour for the Space of Three Days. This Court, for Redress of the several Grievances complained
of as aforesaid, doth Order, That the respective High-Constables of the several Divisions in this County, do forthwith Issue
out their Precepts to all the Petty- Constables and Headboroughs. within their respective Divisions, thereby requiring them forth-
with to give publick Notice of the said Presentment within their respective Districts, and to apprehend and carry before One
or more of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County, all Offenders that they shall find Guilty of any the Offences
aforesaid, or other like Offences, and an Account of their Christian and Sirnames, and Places of Abode, to the end they may
be punished for their respective Offences, as the Law in such Cafes directs. And for the better and more effectual Execution of
this Order, It is further Ordered by this Court, That the respective High-Constables of the several Divisions in this County,
do One Week a least before the next, and every succeeding General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for this
County, go above their respective Divisions, and take an Account of such of the said Offences, (if any) as shall be there com-
mitted, and present to His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County, at the next General or Quarter Sessions of the
Peace to be held for the said County, an Account in Writing of all the Defects and Defaults of the several Petty-Constables
and Headboroughs within their Divisions, who shall be found negligent or remiss in their Duty touching the Premisses.

And it is further Ordered by this Court, That the Clerk of the Peace of this County, do cause this Order to be Printed,
and a sufficient Number of them to be delivered to the Cryer of this Court, who is hereby required forthwith to affix
Copies thereof on the Out-side of Hicks's-Hall, and all other publick Places within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, in this County,
to the end no Person may pretend Ignorance of the said Presentment, or of the Laws made against Offenders in respect to
any of the Offences herein before-mentioned.

Per Cur'

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