<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50158PS501580061"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501580061"></xptr>
<p n="281"> <del>if such Justice dwells within ye week<obscured></obscured>
of mortality</del>
and receive from him or them an Acct of the Offence &<lb></lb>
charge agt such offender And this Especially in Cases of Suspiction of Felony & in all Parochial<lb></lb>
Cases as Bastardy keeping of disorderly Hunses prosecucons<lb></lb>
agst Parish Officers & the like,<del>Suspiction & alsoe<obscured></obscured>
of Suspiction<lb></lb>
of Folowg.</del>
<p n="282">That they do not Grant Licenses for selling of Ale Beer<lb></lb>
or other Liquors by what to any Person living out of the<lb></lb>
Parish where the said Justice dwells or is concerned<lb></lb>
unless in Cases where no acting Justices dwell within<lb></lb>
the Parish & in Such Cases that they be desired to Confine<lb></lb>
themselves to their respective Divisions. And that ever<lb></lb>
in their own Parishes or Divisions, they Great no License<lb></lb>
to any whose License has bin taken away or Supprest or<lb></lb>
refused to be renewed by other Justices without acquainting<lb></lb>
ye Justices who supprest or refused to renew ye same</p>
<p n="283">That for avoiding appression by Informers & other great<lb></lb>
Inconveniences is putting in execucon the Laws agst such<lb></lb>
Persons who sell drink<del>or other</del>
on Sundays or in short<lb></lb>
& unsealed Measures or neglect to set up Lights & in<lb></lb>
all other offences of the like nature they do confine<lb></lb>
themselves to the respective Parishes wherein they dwell<lb></lb>
& if any come to inform agst Persons living in distant<lb></lb>
Parishes that they do first direct Such Informers to<lb></lb>
apply to Some Justice within the Parish where ye Offender<lb></lb>
lives & if no Justice<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
within that Parish then to Some<lb></lb>
Justice within that division.</p>
<p n="284">That for the more strict observance of ye Several<lb></lb>
Orders already made or to be made by this Court<lb></lb>
for the better and more Effectually obliging Constables<lb></lb>
Headboroughs & other Peace Officers to do therir Dutys<lb></lb>
& to Soe that the Laws & statutes of this Kingdom<lb></lb>
and the Orders of this Court be put in Execucon<lb></lb>
it is particularly recommended to the Justices to be<lb></lb>
Watchful over ye officers of their Parishes & in their<lb></lb>
Divisions & where they find any neglect or abuse<lb></lb>
in them to take Some proper care that ye Officers<lb></lb>
so offending may be punished according to their<lb></lb>
<p n="285">That for preventing publik Clamer & Law Suits<lb></lb>
occasioned by Justices who living at a distance<lb></lb>
shall or may<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
applyed to in or be<lb></lb>
<del>take upon them</del>
to pass the Accts of Overseers<lb></lb>
of distant Parishes to make & grant poores<obscured></obscured>
or<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
any other Parochiall Rates to give orders for the releif of ye poor or ye like<obscured></obscured>
several acting Justices live in the said Parishes or in the neighbourhood<lb></lb>
The Justices of this County are desired to for bear<lb></lb>
acting in any of the aforesaid or like cases in any<lb></lb>
Parish where there are Justices inhabiting or in<lb></lb>
case no acting Justices inhabits in the sd Parish<lb></lb>
to refer ye matters to the Justices of the neighbouring<lb></lb>

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