Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501610112

Image 112 of 12627th April 1717

Middx Ss

Mr Anthony
< no role > Stewd
[..] on Elizabeth
in like manner

The Deposition of Richard Bean< no role > takes
upon Oath this 27th: day of Aprill 1717

Who Saith that he was Employed by Mr.
Welch who kep't A Booth on Windmill [..]
near More Feilds to put up Bills about the
Streets to Inform people he kept bye
permission a Booth as the Place aforesaid
during the time of Easter Week in which
was to be Seem a Representation of the
George for England & artificiall Water Works
with Severall other things mentioned in the said
Price & this Deponent being on Wind mill Hill
aforesaid on Monday the 22d : Tuesday ye 23d. & Wednesday
ye 27th: Instant he saw Each day Exposed to
Veire the Said Shew & that particularly he
this Deponent Saw John Fuller< no role > Esqr . and
His Maties Justices of the Peace for the Said
County come to Windmill Hill aforesaid
with Severall Constables & Saw a great Concerns
of Proples there others who was Loosing [..] the Said [..] [..]
look no Notice there of & more Expecially
Severall of the Constables looking into the Said
Shew during the severall times they was Acting [..]
the Person who kept the Same they would
take noe Notice but goe along although the
Booth was full of Company to see the Said
shew each day & this Deponent further Saith
that Severall [..] Constables read the Bill
Which was placed agst: the said Booth

A Tallow Chandler one of the
Constables aforesaid went with an Other Some
on Monday [..] 22d [..] into the Said Booth & Law the Said
Shew & Low the Person who kept I the Booth
they were Constable & Pull'd out their Nave [..]
welling them that was there an Charity for [..] 5 same and
Continued there during the time they Acted in & [..]
Doponent farther Saith that

the tallow Chandler seemed [..]
Said hee tooke its very. He they had not bought the [..]
Candles of him C Serve during this time [..]
were he Act that Shews

Jurat Coram me
J Saunders

Richd: Bean< no role >

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