Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501610118

Image 118 of 1261st May 1717

Richd Woollaston junr Gent maketh Oath that on or ab [..]
ye 20th of April last he this Depont did carry letters from [..]
Father to Justice Fuller at ye desire of Mr Leigh purporting
as he understood by ye sd Mr Leigh that Mr Fuller would not
give ye sd Mr Leigh any disturbance in Acting of a Droll on
Windmill Hill by Moor Feilds during ye Eastr Holyday's
& that this Depon did deliver ye sd letters to Mr Fuller
but upon his Oath says that He neither directly nor
indirectly told ye sd Mr Fuller or any Pson ur so over that
it was my Lord Chances desire or wth his Approbason
allowance or Knowledge or any words to ye Effect And
nor had any. orders green his Hasher so to do and ye
ye sd Mr Leigh was at ye same time wth Mr Hull or wth this
Depont And this Depont Futher sayth ye at ye sollicetation
of ye sd Mr Leigh this Depont did goe to one Justice Rand
ye same day unbrown to this Deponts Father who was ye
out of Town & did Asb ye sd Mr Rand to signe a prmitt
for ye sd Mr Leigh to act as aforesd but upon his Oath [..]
that he never [..] ye sd Mr Rand ye it was my Lord Chans
Favour to Mr Leigh or his desire a approbason or
Cnowledge or ye ye sd Leigh did any wise w so ever
belong to my D Chancr or any words to ye Effect but ye
sd Mr Rand replyd he was very sorry he could not do it
because he had joyn'd in Signeing Warrants Wth ye sd Mr
Fuller to [..] ventit or words to ye Effect

Richard Woollaston< no role > Jun

May ye 1st. 1717
Jurat Coram me
Tho: Woodcock< no role >

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