Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501650070

Image 70 of 14514th October 1717

To ye Rt: Worspll: his Maties Justices of ye. peace for ye. County of Middx

The humble peticon of Henry Doleman< no role > & John
< no role > Late Scavengers of ye. Liberty of
Hollywell Street in ye. parish of St. Leonard
Shoreditch in ye Sd County & ye. Tower Division .
in ye: Sd County


That your peticoner Served ye. Sd. Office of Scavengers of ye Sd
LIberty for ye Yeare Last past & dureinge ye. trade of their
being in ye. Sd Office they have discarsed & paid ye. Sume
of Eight pounds Twelve Shillings for & towards ye.
Charges of Carryings away ye. fifth dirt assid & Soile
& Cleanssing. ye Streets Easter & other places of ye. sd
Liberty Over & above what they have recd of & from ye.
Inhabitants of ye. Some as by their attempts will appeare
being under ye. hands of Severall of ye. Inhitants of ye. sd
Liberty & Confirmed under ye. hands & Seales of two of
his Maties Justices of ye. peace for ye. sd County & resideings
in ye. Sd Division And that Your peticoners have Sevell
times applyed themselves to ye. prsent Scavengers & other
Inhitant of ye. sd Liberty to reimburse them ye. sd Sume
of £08:12s:- Whoe have & Still doe neglect to pay ye. Same

Your Peticoners therefore humbly prayes Your
Worsps will be pleased to grant them an
Order of this Honable Court that they may be
reimbursed ye. Sd Sume of £8:12s: by Such
proper Wayes as to your Worsps. Shall Seeme

And ye. peticonr. Shall ever pray Etc:

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