Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870016

Image 16 of 944th July 1720

To the Right Worpfull his Maties Justices of the
peace for the County of Midds

I John Perrochon< no role > Apprentice to John Bevan< no role > being aforeighner & friendless
uncapable of disputing or Defending my Cause in this honourable Court
for want of Speking & understanding the English tonge, therefore
humbly presume to represent my Cause this way which is as follows

On Monday the 4th Inst . in the morning, my Master
begun with me in very rough Language & orderd me to begone out
of his house & fetch my Aunt that the Indentures might be Cancelled
& Swore I Should not Stay in his house, On thursday Twent again
to my said Master & beged of him to make up this Affaire, upon, which
he again turned me out & Called me aboundance of Scorolus names

having mett with Such hard Ships at the hands of
my Master & Mistris humbly crave that my master may be
ordred to returne the £10. he had with me or what this honourable
Court Shall think fitt, for I had rather go out of the Land & work
at my former trade by which I may gett a handsom & honnest
Lively hood, then to be Exposed to the Same treatment I have mett
with heretofore being Intirely discouraged to learn this presant
trade & find by my own Inclination that if I should Come into
my Master house again that I Shall not be able to undergo
Long what thay will or may putt on me, observing that
they are resolved to use all means possible to be revenged.

That my said Master is bound our before me Sain the to answer
your petr complaints

Yor petr humbly prays to be discharged

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