Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870031

Image 31 of 9419th January 1720

Middx ss

In Pursuance of the Annexed Order of Referrence
We the Justices thereinnamed who have subscribed our
named hereunto have inspected and examined into the
Accounts of the Church Warden and Overseers of the Poor of
the parish of St James Clerkenwell in this County for the
year last past and do find that George Boylston< no role > Church Warden and one
of the said Overseers of the Poor for the year 1718 keeps but
one Book of Accounts wherein is enter'd a mixed Account
as well of what he has received and paid as Church Wardens
as of what he has received and paid as Overseer of the Poor
so that we Cannot distinguish what Articles therein
concern the Church and what the Poor but upon examine
the said Book it appears to us that the Totall Sum by
the said Church Warden received was £473..12. And
that the Totall paid was £471..00..2. And the Ballance
due from the said Church Warden for the year 1718 to his
Successor for the year 1719 was £2..11..10. Which
Book of Accounts We find has been allowed by John
< no role > and Alexander Ward< no role > two of his Majesties Justices of
the Peace inhabiting in or near the said parish. But in
the Disbursments under the title of Casual Poor amounting
in the whole to £196..08..8 We find charged in two
Bills the sum of £29 so much being expended by Order
of a Vestry in a Law Suit against William Henley< no role >
one of the Curates of the same parish; which Said Order
of Vestry We find was soon afterwards contradicted
by another order of Vestry made by a far greater number
of the Inhabitants of the said parish then were present at
the making of the said former Order: Whether therefore
the said sum of £29 ought to be allowed or not We
Submit to the Judgment of this Court. And We also find
that Richard Wall< no role > , Joseph Violet< no role > , Thomas Cushee< no role > and
Humphrey Skelton< no role > the other four overseers of the Poor of
the said parish for the said year have stated their Accounts

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