Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501880014

Image 14 of 6612th July 1720

The Examination of George Legatty< no role > Waterman of
the Parish of St. Margaretts Westminster , taken before
me John Cranford< no role > Esqr . a Justice of Peace for the County
of Middlesex the 15th: day of July 1720 .

The said George Legatty< no role > being brought before me on
Suspicion that he the said Legatty, did lately felo-
niously take and carry of a Spot of Ground called
the Kitchen Garden belonging to his Majestys Royall
Hospitall in the Parish of Chelsea & County aforesd:
of Good to the Value of twenty Shillings and upwards, as
Valued & Charged by Nicholas Crumpler< no role > Gardner
to His Majestys Said Hospitall.

He the Said George Legatty< no role > did upon his Exa-
mination by me this 15th. day of July 1720 confess
that a Western Barge Man of his Acquaintance
whose Sur name he doth not know, but that he
was generally called by his Christian Name Thomas
did call upon him the Said George Legatty< no role > [..] on
Tuesday Night the 12th. of this Instant July at now
Fatherhousein Law's House in the Parish of
Chelsea & County aforesaid. from whence they went
about Eleaven of the clock the same Night to an adjoyning
Ale House, where they Staid drinking till about
Twelve, and there the Said Thomas desir'd him the
said Legatty to carry him down in his boat as for
as the Neal houses where he expected to meet his
Barge comeing from London: that he the said
Legally and he parted having some other buissiness,
& went to his Father in Laws House, where he
waited for the said Thomas, who making no long
stay and calling at the said House; He the said
Legatty, Thomas, and oneGeorge James Holder< no role > Gardne [..]
of the aforemention'd Parish of Chelsea went or
board the said Legallys boat between twelve and one thing and when they had
reach'd as farr as the Creek belonging to the afore [..]
mention'd Hospitall, Thomas desir'd him the
said Legatty to sett him there on Shore and wait for
him for he wou'd be presently back again, and [..]

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