Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1720

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501880055

Image 55 of 6626th July 1720

London, Weftmin'
Middlesex, Kent
Surry, Hertford,
and Essex.}

To each and every of the Creditor and Creditors of
John Roberts< no role > This name instance is in set 27. now a Prisoner in
his Majestys Goal of Newgate
for the County of Middx

Wm Thomson< no role >
Recorder .

These are to give you Notice, That I Sir William Thomson< no role > ,
Knight , Recorder of the City of London , and one of his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said Cities and
Counties, having been petitioned by the saidJohn
< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. andhehaving left with me
a Copy of the Schedule, containing a full Discovery of
allhisEstate, Goods, and Effects untohimbe-
longing, whichheintents to make Oath of at the
Generalor QuarterSessions, according to the late Act
of Parliament made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of
our Sovereign Lord King Geroge, intituled, An Act for the
Relief of Insolvent Debtors, and for the more easie Discharge
of Bankrupts out of Execution, after their Certificates allowed,
In Pursuance of the Said Act, I have granted my Warrant
under my Hand and Seal, toWilliam Pitt< no role > Gen Keeper
of the sd Goalandthereby requiring him to bring
the Body of the saidJohn [..] Roberts< no role >
before his Majesty's Justices of the Peace at the Generalor
Sessions of the Peace, to be holden for the said
County of Middx at Hicks Hall in St John
Street in afsd County

On MondayontheFifthDay of
September now next ensuing the Date of these Pre-
sents, ofhisDetainer, together with the Copy or Copies
of the Cause or Causes with which the SaidJohn
< no role > is Charged, in order tohisbeing
released and discharged according to the Direction of the
Said Act of Parliament. Given under my Hand and Seal
this26thDay ofJulyAnno Dom' 1720.

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