Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1722

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502030043

Image 43 of 828th May 1722

Middx Ss:

Ad General Sessions pacis Dui Regis tent p Com Middx apnd
Hickshall in St. John street in Com prd. p adjorn die Jovis
Scilt decimo die May anno regni Dui Georgy nunc Regis
Magne Britannie Etc octavo coram Johe Milner< no role >
Samuel Sanders< no role > D'Oyly Michel< no role > Daniel Comber< no role > Aris & al
Socys Suis Justic dci Dui Regis ad pacem in Com prd.
coservand necnon ad divers felon tusgr & al
malefacta in eodem Com p petrat audiend & terminand
assign Etc

Upon heareing of the appeale of the Churchwardens
& Overseers of the poor of the parish of St. Clement
Danes in this County against an Order Under the hands &
Seales of Simon Parry< no role > & John Ellis< no role > Esqrs . two of his Maties.
Justices of the peace for the sd. County (Quorum Unus)
bearing date the twenty eighth day of February last
whereby Ann Knipe< no role > who was become chargeable to
the parish of St. Giles in the feilds in this County was
removed from the said parish of St. Giles in the feilds
to the sd. parish of St. Clement Danes being called
in the said Order the parish of St. Clements Danes in
the Liberty of Westmr . as the parish & place of her
last legall settlemt. (the heareing & determining of
which appeale was by Order made at the last Generall
Quarter Sessions of the peace holden for this County by
adjornmt. on the Seventh day of April now last past
adjourned untill this present Generall Sessions of the peace
holden for the sd. County, and appointed to be heard before
this Court or Tuesday the eighth day of May instant, but was
thenfurtheradjourned by this Court untill this tenth
day of the same Month) And upon heareing of what was
insisted on by Councell for the Inhitants of the sd. parish
of St. Giles in the feilds & alsoe by Councell for the
Inhitants of the sd. parish of St. Clement Danes This
Court is of opinion that the sd. Ann Knipe< no role > was last legally
settled in the said parish of St. Clement Danes , And doth
thereupon dismiss the said appeale, And doth ratify
& confirm the aforesaid Order of the said two Justices of the

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