<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50203PS502030064"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502030064"></xptr>
<p n="265"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Mints.</note>
<p n="266">P adj: <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50203_date77">16o. May 1722</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50203_date77" type="date" value="17220516"></interp>
<p n="267">Justices to meet as poor as pesikle in their Severall divisions<lb></lb>
the give direccons to Constables, & Bidles, to<del>take as</del>
take an account of<lb></lb>
all parish<obscured></obscured>
& other<del>diff</del>
disaffected persons as well Lodges<lb></lb>
as housekeepers, & returne<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
their Names upon oath bench truee as & pla<obscured></obscured>
Justices in their respective division shall<del>direct</del>
on such Returnes the Justices to consider what persons we returned<lb></lb>
fitt to<obscured></obscured>
once & to make there went<del>to the Constables</del>
Sumer Such persons accordingly incerting their Names in Such<lb></lb>
Sumon or in hight to annexed thereunto<lb></lb>
when they appeare<del>the J</del>
on These Sumons the Justices to Sender<lb></lb>
the oaths & to proceed to concive or agt such & refuse or<lb></lb>
make defalt asset due Sumons, & to returne the Comiccons<lb></lb>
the next Quarter Sessions</p>
<p n="268">As to receiving them the Miles from Sender & Continuing them to<lb></lb>
their Heliktions to pursue the acts of parliament recited<lb></lb>
in the proclamation</p>
<p n="269">To examine such<del>persons</del>
Lodges who will appeare & a Speeke<obscured></obscured>
asers, &<lb></lb>
as tesreesons of theire resorting with this time</p>
<p n="270">To direct the Constables to returne the Names of all victes<lb></lb>
& keepers of Innes or other which houses, who utter convicts or disaffected<lb></lb>
Psons to resort to theire houses, & then reflect upon the Governmt<lb></lb>
in their Cower Conversation</p>
<p n="271">To oblige all victuallers to take the<del>Licenses</del>
oathes, before the<lb></lb>
Licences are give out to them</p>
<p n="272">To give particular direccons to the Constables to require after & returne<lb></lb>
<del>Names &</del>
all Pish Papists now in this Towne</p>
<p n="273">To take Care that noe Money be paid or given by any person<lb></lb>
who is Sumone or appeares to take the Oathes on this occasion</p>
<p n="274">To order the Constables to take up all Seditions ballard Singets<del>Libellets</del>
disposen of Libeles & carry<lb></lb>
them before ye next Justice</p>

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