<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50203PS502030070"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502030070"></xptr>
<p n="302">or Vagabond was apprehended, taking Notice where, and for what Cause apprehended, and whither<lb></lb>
and in what Time was allow'd to pass) to cause such Person, of whatsoever Age, to be convey'd to Place<lb></lb>
of Birth; if under the Age of fourteen Years, and have any Father or Mother living, to the Abode<lb></lb>
of such Father or Mother, if known if not known, then to the Parish or, Place where found last<lb></lb>
begging or misordering him or herself, and pass'd unapprehended, and there deliver'd to the Con-<lb></lb>
stable, on other Officer. The Form of which Pass is in the said Act.</p>
<p n="303"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">May be<lb></lb>
&c. before<lb></lb>
5. If any Person who hath obtain'd a legal Settlement be found Wandring, and begging and misor-<lb></lb>
dering him or herself as aforesaid, they, and such as shall be apprehended as Rogues or Vagabond, be-<lb></lb>
fore they be pass'd may, if the Justice think fit, be order'd to be openly whipp'd or sent to the<lb></lb>
House of Correction, for Hard Labour, to the Diforein of the Justice, and then immediately sent<lb></lb>
away, which Punishment, or conveying to Bridewell, the Constable shall see executed.</p>
<p n="304"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Persons ta-<lb></lb>
ken upon<lb></lb>
how to be<lb></lb>
If Dange-<lb></lb>
rous and<lb></lb>
6. Shell Persons apprehended upon a general privy Search, having committed Acts of Vagrancy,<lb></lb>
and who have no. fixt . Abode or Imployment in the Place apprehended, altho' they may have acquir'd<lb></lb>
a legal Settlement subsequent to their Birth, to be sent, by Two Justices of Peace, to last legal Set-<lb></lb>
tlement, yet the Charges to be born and defray'd in the same Method and Manner as passing Rogues<lb></lb>
and Vagabonds to Place of Birth. If the Justice shall see Cause to judge any Rogue or Vagabond<lb></lb>
to be dangerous to the People, and unlikely to be reform'd, may commit to the House of Correction,<lb></lb>
or common Goal, for hard Labour, till the next Quarter-Sessions, where, if adjudg'd a dangerous<lb></lb>
and incorrigible Rogue, to be publickly whip'd Three Market-Days Successively, at some Market-<lb></lb>
Town near, and kept to hard Labour so long as the Justices shall think meet, if voluntarily break<lb></lb>
Prison and escape, to suffer as a Felon.</p>
<p n="305"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">To be sent<lb></lb>
to last legal<lb></lb>
if known.</note>
7. Justices not to make a Pass for conveying Rogues or Vagabonds to Place of Birth before<lb></lb>
Examination, nor after, if it appear such Person hath a legal Settlement, since Birth, on Pain of<lb></lb>
forfeiting 5l.</p>
<p n="306"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">False Ac-<lb></lb>
count of<lb></lb>
Birth or<lb></lb>
8. Rogues and Vagabonds that refuse to be examin'd on Oath, or on Examination, shall know-<lb></lb>
ingly give any false or unsatisfactory Account thereof, being detected, shall be deem'd a dangerous<lb></lb>
and incorrigible Rogue, and punish'd as such; of which Punishment the Justice is to inform the Per-<lb></lb>
son examin'd.</p>
<p n="307"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Manner of<lb></lb>
9. The Justice, or Justices, who make a Pass for a Rogue Vagabond to the Place of Birth, Etc.<lb></lb>
shall, with the Pass, deliver to the Constable a Certificate ascertaining how such Person is to be con-<lb></lb>
vey'd by Horse, Cart, or on Foot, whither, in what Time, and what Allowance is to be made to<lb></lb>
the Constable for conveying such Person to the Place he is to pass him. The Form of which is in<lb></lb>
the Act.</p>
<p n="308"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Constables<lb></lb>
passing Va-<lb></lb>
10. The Constable who receives such Pass and Certificate, is to convey the Persons nam'd in such<lb></lb>
Pass the next direct Way to the Place order'd if it in the same County, Corporation, Etc. keep-<lb></lb>
ing separate Quarter Sessions wherein apprehended; if it be not in the same County, Corporation, Etc.<lb></lb>
then to the haft Town of the County, Corporation, Franchise, Etc. named in such Pass or Certi-<lb></lb>
ficate, thro' which such Persons are to be convey'd in the direct Way to the Place whither they are<lb></lb>
to be sent, and there deliver them to the Constable of the said place, or first Town, together with<lb></lb>
the Pass, taking Receipt of such Delivery upon the Certificate under the Hand or Mark of the<lb></lb>
Constable, or other Officer, to whom deliver'd and the Constable or other Officer to whom deli-<lb></lb>
ver'd to receive such Vagrant and sign Receipt, and apply to Justice of Peace of his Precinct, who<lb></lb>
shall cause the Rogue or Vagabond to be whip'd and openly whip'd or sent to House of Correction,<lb></lb>
for hard Labour, for Two or Three Days, and afterwards convey'd with the former Pass, and a new<lb></lb>
Certificate in like Form, and so to be done from one County or Precinct to another, till brought to<lb></lb>
the Place first order'd to be sent.</p>
<p n="309">11. No Constable oblig'd to receive any Person by such Pass, unless it appear by the Pass, that<lb></lb>
such Person was whip'd or sent to the House of Correction in the County, City, Etc. thro' which<lb></lb>
last pass'd (except Women great with Child, Soldiers wanting Subsistence, having lawful Certificates<lb></lb>
from their Officers or Secretaryat War, or such Persons as the Justices shall judge not able to under-<lb></lb>
go such Punishment) which shall be certified in the Pass.</p>
<p n="310"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Justices<lb></lb>
in Quarter-<lb></lb>
Sessions ap-<lb></lb>
how to be<lb></lb>
12. Justices in their Quarter-Sessions to limit, appoint and direct, what Rates or Allowances per<lb></lb>
Mile, or otherwise, for passing and maintaining Vagrants, and make Rules and Orders for the more<lb></lb>
regular Proceeding in their respective Limits, which Rates are to be observ'd by all other Justices in<lb></lb>
the same Limits.</p>
<p n="311">13. In Quarter-Sessions, Justices may cause Monies, as for County-Goals Bridges, to be rais'd,<lb></lb>
for passing and conveying, or maintaining Rogues and Vagabonds as shall be necessary, to be paid to<lb></lb>
the chief Constable of each Division, in such Manner that he may have a Quarterly-Payment before-<lb></lb>
hand, who shall account for the same to the Treasurer or Treasurers of their respective County, Ci-<lb></lb>
ty, Etc. twice a Year, or ofener.</p>
<p n="312"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Petty Con-<lb></lb>
stables, how<lb></lb>
to be reim-<lb></lb>
14.Petty Constable bringing to Chief Constable such Certificate as aforesaid, with the Receipt<lb></lb>
from the Constable or other Officer, to whom the Persons so to be convey'd were deliver'd, and not<lb></lb>
otherwise, the Chief Constable shall and may pay such Petty Constable the Allowances ascertain'd in<lb></lb>
such Certificate, and no more, taking the said Certificate and his Receipt, which Certificate and<lb></lb>
Receipt is to be allow'd the Chief Constable in Discount, on his Account, with the Treasurer.<lb></lb>

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