<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50203PS502030079"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502030079"></xptr>
<p n="396">The<del>most</del>
Humble Address of the Ld.<lb></lb>
Leintenantand Custos - Rotn Coram, Debuty<lb></lb>
Letenants, and Justices of the peace of the<lb></lb>
County of Midlx and City & Libty of Westmr</p>
<p n="397">To the Kings most Excellent Majesty<lb></lb>
Most Gracious Sovereign</p>
<p n="398">Your Majesty having been graciously pleased to<lb></lb>
Signifie to us yr. Maties: most Dutifull & Loyall<lb></lb>
Subjects that you have receed repeated & His questionall<lb></lb>
advises that Sevl. of yt. Majties. Subjects forgetting<lb></lb>
Alleigiance they owe to yr. Majtie. as well<lb></lb>
as the naturall Love they ought to bear to their<lb></lb>
Countrey have entred into wicked Conspiracy in<lb></lb>
Concert with Fraytors a broad for raising a rebellion<lb></lb>
in this Kingdon in favour of a Popish Pretender<lb></lb>
with a tratiterans design to over throw<del>an</del>
our Excelent<lb></lb>
Constitution in Church and State Wee beg leave<lb></lb>
in the most humble maner (on this<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
import agt<lb></lb>
occaision) to renew our declarations of an inviolabel<lb></lb>
real and affecttion for Yor Royall Person and<lb></lb>
family When wee reflect on the many Riots and<lb></lb>
tumults of late industriously<del>and<obscured></obscured>
and carried on<del>this went this Kingdon</del>
in open<lb></lb>
defiance of Law two cannott but believe that they<lb></lb>
to much Encouraged this wicked and<lb></lb>
Traterens Designs, Wee therefore beg leave to<lb></lb>
assume sour Majtie. that wee shall not want<del>with</del>

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