Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502180016

Image 16 of 389th April 1724

To the Rt: Worshipll His Maties Justices
of the Peace for the County of Midd Assembled
in their Genll. Quarter Sessions of the Peace

The Humble Petition & Appeale
of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the
poor of the Parish of St. Giles in the
fields in the said County.


That by are Order under the Hands & Seales of
Stephen Brice< no role > Esqr & St. John Colbatch< no role > Kt . Two of
His Matics Justices of the Peace for the said County
(Quor unus) bearing Date the Ninth Day of April
Instant Joseph Gillet< no role > aged about Eleven Weeks was
removed from parish of St. Martin in the Fields
in the said County to the Said Pish of St. Giles in
Fields as the Place of the last legall Settlemt. of
the said Joseph Gillet< no role > .

Yor. Petr. think themselves agg [..]
by the Judgemt. of the Said two
Justices of the Peace Appeale to this
Cort. & humbly pray that the Church-
-wardens & Overseers of the Poor of
the sd Pish of St. Martin in the Fields
and all other parties concerned may
be Ordered to Attend the Court Some
day this Sessions to hear and abide
the Judgement and Determination
of this Court touching this

And yor. Petr. Shall ever pray Etc

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