<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50222PS502220178"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502220178"></xptr>
<p n="818">of the stables and coach-houses in his owne hands and lets out the<lb></lb>
others to tenants at will, and the sd. Mr. Michell offered before us to be<lb></lb>
rated and pay the rates for the sd. whole Stable yard as he hath done in<lb></lb>
former yeares, and as is done by tenants of Innes and other houses in the<lb></lb>
sd. Parish having Stable yards, and the sd. before named Severall Appellts.<lb></lb>
insisting that an abatemt. ought to be made to them out of their sd. rents on<lb></lb>
account of the use of the sd. goods, and that the sd. Occupiers of the sd. roomes as<lb></lb>
Stables in the sd. Stable yard ought not to be charged with the sd. rate, but that<lb></lb>
the sd. Mr. Michell ought to be rated for the Same as the Occupiers thereof<lb></lb>
and it appearing alsoe to us that several persons are charged in the sd. rate<lb></lb>
at less than they were rated and paid last yeare, and the sd. Appellts. insisting<lb></lb>
that they ought to be reduced to an equality, we considered of the said<lb></lb>
several allegacous made by the before-named appellts., but<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
there being only<lb></lb>
four of his Maties. Justices who met and differing in opinion vizt. we two<del>of at</del>
being of opinion, that in respect of the use of the Sd. goods Etc and to bring<lb></lb>
the rate to an equality Mr. Floyer be relieved to thirty Six pounds P<lb></lb>
annm Mr. Hewitt to fifteen pounds P Annm and Mr. Fettiplace to thirty</p>

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