<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50222PS502220189"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502220189"></xptr>
<p n="870">under what they pay and throughout the whole Rate<lb></lb>
It appeares (as the petrs. apprehend) that great partially<lb></lb>
hath been used in rateing the Inhitants of the New<lb></lb>
parish much higher in proporcon than those of the<lb></lb>
old parish, Saveing in Some few instances made in.<lb></lb>
favour of Such of the new parish as opposed the same,<lb></lb>
one of whom (vizt.) Mr. <rs type="persName" id="LMSMPS50222_n870-1">Oswald Hoskins</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50222_n870-1" type="given" value="OSWALD"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50222_n870-1" type="surname" value="HOSKINS"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50222_n870-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
hath taken<lb></lb>
Upon him to act as one of the <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50222_occ240">overseers of the poor</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50222_occ240" type="occupation" value="overseers of the poor"></interp>
to Joyn in makeing of the said Rate altho he is (as the<lb></lb>
Petrs. are advised) disabled soe to doe as being an<lb></lb>
Inhabitant to this Purpose of a different parish, And<lb></lb>
that the Petrs. have desired a Sight & pervseall of the<lb></lb>
said Rate to enable them to lay before this Court<lb></lb>
the Particular instances of in equality therein, but the<lb></lb>
overseers have refused the same, Wherefore & in<lb></lb>
regard the sd. Rate is very unequall the petrs. prayed<lb></lb>
that the sd. Rate may be quashed or Vacated, and that<lb></lb>
this Court would be pleased to appoint a Short day for<lb></lb>
heareing the Sd. Matter, And that in the mean time the<lb></lb>
said Rate might be produced before some of his<lb></lb>
Maties. Justices of peace in the said parish to the end<lb></lb>
the Petrs. might peruse & take coppys of or extracts<lb></lb>
of the same, Where upon It was Ordered by this Court<lb></lb>
that the Churchwardens & overseers of the poor before<lb></lb>
menconed Should attend this Court with the Poors<lb></lb>
Rates aforesaid on this ninth say of July instant to<lb></lb>
heare & abide the Judgmt. & determinacon of this<lb></lb>
Court touching the said appeale, and notice of the<lb></lb>
said appeal was by the Sd. Order directed to be<lb></lb>
given to the Justices of the peace inhabiting within<lb></lb>
th said parish, Now upon heareing of what was<lb></lb>
in Sisted on by Councell for the Petrs. & also by Councell for<lb></lb>
the Churchwardens & overseers of the poor of the sd old<lb></lb>
parish of St. James Clerkenwell touching the Premisses<lb></lb>
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby<lb></lb>
recomended & referred unto his Maties. Justices of the<lb></lb>
peace for this County inhabiting within Holborne<lb></lb>
Division in the sd. County<del>being<obscured></obscured>
lyeing neare the<lb></lb>
said parish or any three of them (Quorum Unns) to<lb></lb>
assemble & meet together at such times & places as they</p>

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