Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502300099

Image 99 of 13311th October 1725

Middx ss.

Whereas at the Genll: Quarter Sessions of the peace
held for the County of Midd at Hicks hall in St John
Street on Monday the 28th. Day of June last The
May or Comonally & Citizens of the City of London
were presented for not repairing a Certain part
of the Comon Highway lying & being in the severall
parisher of St. George Hanover Square [..]
le Bone in the said County containing [..]
two hundred and ninety feet & in [..]
fect Now wee His Maties Justices of the [..]
the said County do hereby Certifye That wee [..]
view'd the said part of the said Read & do finds
that the same hath been lately well & sufficiently
repaired with Gravell & Ballast and is now [..]
good & sufficient repair Witness our Hands &
Seales the 11th Day of October 1725

John Milner< no role >
John Ellis< no role >

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