Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1728

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502490067

Image 67 of 883rd December 1727

Middx ss

This Examinacon of Anne
< no role > Singlewoman taken
the 27th. day of Decemr. 1727

Who upon her Oath Sayth that about the
latter end of Febry last she went to live with
one Mrs. Harrison in Little Brittion in Aldersgate
Pish in the Citty of London at the Wages of
four pounds a yeare where she continued
for three Months & their she became
acquainted with one Mr Thos. Harrison< no role > her
Sd. Mistress's Nephew who prvinted with
this Examinant to lett him have the Carnall
knowledge of her body which he had Severall
times & did begett her with Child of a Female
Bastard Child which hath been baptized by
the Name of Brown Clement< no role > & is become
chargeable to the Pish of St. Clement Danes
And lastly this Examinant sayth [..]
deliveredofon Sunday the third day of this
Instant Decemr in the Pish of St. Clement
Danes & that the sd. Thos. Harrison< no role > is the reall
true & only Father & noe other person

Capt Etc Jurat die et
Anno prd coram Nobis
L Streat
Tho Jones< no role >

the Marke of
Anne A Hardman< no role >

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