<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50282PS502820073"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502820073"></xptr>
<p n="314">of the said Justices<del>of the peace of Middx and Westminster</del>
are<del>obliged Upon Urgent affaires of their own to be in</del>
the Country at a great distance from the said County & City<del>of<lb></lb>
Middx and City of Westminster at that Season of the<lb></lb>
Yeare the times at which the said General Meetings-<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
for granting licences as aforesaid are</del>
to be-<lb></lb>
<del>holden according to the direction of the</del>
att the time appointed by the said Act,<lb></lb>
<del>And It being Very necessary to that the Justices of the<lb></lb>
peace of the County of Middx and City & Liberty of<lb></lb>
Westminster should hold their General meetings in<lb></lb>
their respective Divisions and Districts for licensing<lb></lb>
of Alehouse Keepers & Retalers of Brandy & other<lb></lb>
distilled liquors as formerly Be It therefore Enacted</del>
by the Authority aforesaid That the<del>Justices of the<lb></lb>
peace of the said County of Middx and City and<lb></lb>
Liberty of Westminster</del>
Said recited Act of Parliament<lb></lb>
Shall from henceforth,bee deemed and taken not to<del>not</del>
extend to the Sd. County of<lb></lb>
Middx and City & Liberty of Westminster or either<lb></lb>
of them But that it shall & may bee Lawfull to and for<del>they shall or may hold their<lb></lb>
General Me- the Justices of the peace shall or-<lb></lb>
May holden</del>
the Justices of the peace of the said<lb></lb>
County,<del>City and</del>
City & Liberty<del>of Westminster shall<lb></lb>
or may and May and may to</del>
to hold their General Meetings in their respective<lb></lb>
Divisions & Districts<del>in the</del>
for granting<lb></lb>
of Licences to<del>Ale</del>
such Alehouse keepers & Retalers<lb></lb>
of Brandy & other distilled liquors as shall be by them ber thought<lb></lb>
proper to be licenced in the Spring time of the yeare</p>

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