Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1733

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502890051

Image 51 of 5925th February 1733

It was by on order made by this Court of the 1d 14 D of
I last ordered by this Court that the sd I [..] should have
notice of the sd petr & that he & all perties concerned
should attend this Court [..] the 19 day of thesd h of
I last at 10 of the & in the Ferencer to lear & abide
the Judgmt & determination of this Corl touching the
matters contained in the sd petr and the determination
thereof bong adjorned by this Corl untill this 25 Fel
[..] Now upon Hearing of what was alledged by
the sd I I the petr and upon Examination into the Fresh
of the matters contained in the sd petr Forasmuch
as this Court is Satiffyed that the substance of the sd
petr is the and for that it appeareth to this Corl
by the Oath of in the leife of I I the Elder & hotter
of the petr that on the 17 day of I last she Psonally
Served the sd I F with the sd Petr & order of this Court
by delivering to time true Copys thereof and at the
same time shewed him the sd petr & order and that she
also did on Sat the 23 Feb instant deliver notice in
Writing to the sd I F Signed by the sd I I purporting
that this Corl would be moved this 25 d of F instant
at 10 of the & in the F for their Judgmt & determination
touching the matters contained in the sd petr And for that
neither the 1d I F nor any other Pson on his behalf do
appear in this Corl to shew Cause agt dischargeing the sd
I I the pet from his sd Apprentice hood It is for the
reasons aforesd ordered by this Corl that the sd I I the petr
be and he is hereby absolutely discharged of & from his sd
Apprenticehood to the sd I F and we where hands & Seals
are hereunto sett berg 4 of his F I of the peace

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