<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50289PS502890051"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502890051"></xptr>
<p n="266">It was by on order made by this Court of the 1d 14 D of<lb></lb>
I last ordered by this Court that the sd I<obscured></obscured>
should have<lb></lb>
notice of the sd petr & that he & all perties concerned<lb></lb>
should attend this Court<obscured></obscured>
the 19 day of thesd h of<lb></lb>
I last at 10 of the & in the Ferencer to lear & abide<lb></lb>
the Judgmt & determination of this Corl touching the<lb></lb>
matters contained in the sd petr and the determination<lb></lb>
thereof bong adjorned by this Corl untill this 25 Fel<lb></lb>
Now upon Hearing of what was alledged by<lb></lb>
the sd I I the petr and upon Examination into the Fresh<lb></lb>
of the matters contained in the sd petr Forasmuch<lb></lb>
as this Court is Satiffyed that the substance of the sd<lb></lb>
petr is the and for that it appeareth to this Corl<lb></lb>
by the Oath of in the leife of I I the Elder & hotter<lb></lb>
of the petr that on the 17 day of I last she Psonally<lb></lb>
Served the sd I F with the sd Petr & order of this Court<lb></lb>
by delivering to time true Copys thereof and at the<lb></lb>
same time shewed him the sd petr & order and that she<lb></lb>
also did on Sat the <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50289_date50">23 Feb instant</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50289_date50" type="date" value="17330223"></interp>
deliver notice in<lb></lb>
Writing to the sd I F Signed by the sd I I purporting<lb></lb>
that this Corl would be moved this <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50289_date51">25 d of F instant</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50289_date51" type="date" value="17330225"></interp>
at 10 of the & in the F for their Judgmt & determination<lb></lb>
touching the matters contained in the sd petr And for that<lb></lb>
neither the 1d I F nor any other Pson on his behalf do<lb></lb>
appear in this Corl to shew Cause agt dischargeing the sd<lb></lb>
I I the pet from his sd Apprentice hood It is for the<lb></lb>
reasons aforesd ordered by this Corl that the sd I I the petr<lb></lb>
be and he is hereby absolutely discharged of & from his sd<lb></lb>
Apprenticehood to the sd I F and we where hands & Seals<lb></lb>
are hereunto sett berg 4 of his F I of the peace</p>

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