Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503030098

Image 98 of 10114th September 1734

Atrick Cherydon< no role >

who was tried and Commited upon an Indictment agt. him and
two others For a trespasse and Misdemeanor in transporting
and causing to be transported Four Men of his Maties Subjects to
Calais in France in Parts beyond the Seas with intent to cause the
Said Four Men to Serve as Soldiers in the Service of Lewis the [..]
KingandIs for his Said Offence [..] fined thirteen Shillings and
Four Pence And he is to be Imprisoned in his Maties Goal of Newgate
without Bail or Mainprise for the Space of one whole Year And he
is to find Sufficient Sureties before John Martin< no role > Esqrs . for his Good
behaviour for the Space of Two Years to come me from the
Expriracon of the said One year To Remain in Newgate aforesaid
untill be undergoe the sd. Imprisonment pay the Said Fine and
find Such Sureties then to be Delivered Paying his Fees 12s.8d.

by the Court

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