Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1737

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503260154

Image 154 of 156

And in the Clause imediately following a Form is Set down for drawing
up the Conviction of persons who Shall Sell, not only Spirituons Liquors,
but also Cyder Ale Beer or other Liquors by Retale without a License
from two or more Justices of the peace for that purpose.


Whether the Said Act of the 9th. of King Geo: 2 doth extend any farther (as to the
Fees of 2s. & 6.d therein mentioned) than only to Licenses for Selling Spirituons
Liquors or Strong Waters by Retale, and whether the Clock of the [..] ace the Justices Clerksthe Clerk of the
peace or the Cryer
and the Cryer are debarred by the Said Act from taking and receiving Su [..]
Fees for Licenses granted to persons to Sell Cyder Ale & Beer [..] before the [..]
Act they might have done.
as they did before the making of the said Act.

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