Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503790093

Image 93 of 9611th June 1747


to wit

The Information of Ann Rutlidge< no role >
wife of Michael Ruttlidge< no role > at Mrs.
Oakley's in Crown Court Knaves Are
taken before me this 3d. July 1747.

Who being upon Oath says, that on Sunday last, she mett with one
John West< no role > a [..] Hatter in Monmouth Street , at a Publick house the Sign
of the two Blew Ports in Castle Street near Longacre, who ask'd this Informant
to drink, Says that as she and the said John West< no role > were Sitting near
together, they Fell in discourse, And this Informt. Setting him that she had had great
Misfortunes, and that she had several thingstoin Pawn, [..] he ask'd
her what they were, to which she Reply'd, she had nothing would do for
him except Twenty Six Aggett Buttons, sett in Silver, which were pawn'd for
Seven Shillings, Says that thereupon he told her he would give her as
much Money as any body would do, and would call upon her the at day,
And this Informt. further says that he [..] accordingly called upon her on
Monday last, and went with her to the Pawnbroker's and gave her eight Shillings
and eight pence to Release them, which she accordingly did, and Delivered
them to the said John West< no role > , Says that before they came to the Pawnbrokers,
give her some Security in her hands first, that he would Engage himself to give her the full Value
of them [..] when he saw them, Says that thereupon he Lodged in her
hands a piece of Comes Money which he called a Seven and twenty Shillings peice, which
peice being now produc'd and shew'd by her, she saith is-the same that she
received from the hands of the said John West< no role > , as and for a good and Lawfull
Moidore of the Currant Coin of the Kingdom of Portugal. And this
Informt. says that she has since had the said peice of Money Examined by
three seperate Silver Smiths, who told her it was made of base and Mixt
Metal and Scorce worth anything, And this Informt. further says thatthat
the said John West< no role > Utter'd and putt of her the said false and Counterfeit
Moidore for Security, till he had [..] Inquired what the sd Buttons were worth,
and Says that he went away from her att that time, and she did not see him till
the day following, Says that she then told him the Moidore was not good, Upon
which he Laugh'd at her, and told her he knew that [..] and Says that he therefore
put it off knowing it to be false and Counterfeit as she beleives.

Ann [mark] Ruttlidge< no role >

Sworn before me
this 3d July 1747}

Tho: Burdus< no role >

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