Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503820014

Image 14 of 1247th December 1747

The King
Amy Taylor< no role > }
for an Assault

Barnaby Carne< no role > of the precinct of St. Catharine's in
the County of Middx Engraver maketh Oath that he this
Depont. did on Fryday last about Noon personally
Serve Mr. Bird Sollr. or Agent for the Prosecutrix
in this Cause with a true Copy of the Notice hereunto
Annexed at his House near the Sun Tavern Honey
Lane Market London, And this Deponent farther
saith that he likewise did leave another true Copy
of the same Notice at the last place of Abode of
the sd. Prosecutrix this Depont. not being able upon
the most diligent Enquiry to find out where the said
Prosecutrix is removed to in Order to psonally
Serve her with a Copy of the Notice aforesd.

Sworn in Court this 7th. day
of Decr. 1747


Barnaby Carne< no role >

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