Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1761

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS505010077

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Middlesex To wit

The Information of John Jennings< no role > of Newport
Pagnel Bucks Laceman and William
< no role > of the Strand Haberdasher
Taken before me this 11th.. day of Septr

Who being on Oath severally say that they are appointed
Assignees by the Creditors of Jane Allen< no role > Widow late of Suffolk
Street in the Parish of St. Martin in the Field in the City and
Liberty of Westminster , in Consequence of her having been lately
Discharged out of Prison for Debt by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the first Year
of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Third Intilled
an Act for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, in Order to distributeherthe
Effects to the said Creditors as given in in her Schedule,by her
as the aforesaid Act directs, and then Informents farther
say that they have Just cause to suspect that the said
Jane Allen< no role > has omitted to put part of the Effects she stood
possessed of at the Time of her delivering in said Schedule
for her [..] caraine as aforesaid, with an intention to Defraud
her said Creditors, for that they have been informed and
verily believe that a Quantity of Household Goods now her
property, and which were her property before her delevering
in the said Schedule as aforesaid, are now wilfully concealed in
the House of one Richard or Richardson a Plaisterer in Mill Bank
in the City and liberty of Westmr. and that said Goods are
not mentioned in said Schedule to wit several Chairs, one Glass
and a Mahogany Table and other effects amounting in the whole
to the Value of Twenty pounds & upwards

Sworn before me the
day [..] Year first above writen


J [..] Jening
Wm Muwell< no role >

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