Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1762

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS505060050

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Joseph Staton< no role > of the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the
Liberty of the Tower Hambetts Victualler Maketh Oath That he is to the
best of his this Deponts. Knowledge and Beleife in the Seventieth Year of
his Age that he hath Lived in the Sd. Parish of St. Leonard shoreditch in
the said Liberty about Nine Years and not more during which time He this
Depont. Served as Scavenger to the Sd. Parish That of Late Year He this Deponant
hath had Dangerous illnesses Arising at he this Depont. beleives from the Comon
Infirmities Attending Old Age That he this Dept being Informed That he is returned
as a fitt Person to Serve the Office of Headborough in the Sd. Parish Saith that
He is a very Unfitt Person for to Execute the said Office on Acct. of his [..]
Illnesses with which he is frequently Visited And with which he is very often
Afflicted at the Different Seasons of the year And this Depont. further Saith that
That if he should be Obliged to Serve the Sd. Office as the Same ought to be
Served well knowing the Duty thereof Having Served the Same in the Parish of
St. Giles in the Fields in his Younger Days and about thirty Years agoe He
this Depont. will thereby Endanger his life not being able to do the Duty
thereof On Acct. of his Age and illnesses as aforesd.

Jos: Staton< no role >

Sworn the 14th. Day of Janry 1762
at Hicks Hall

By the Court

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